Click To Copy To Clipboard With Custom Alert Using Javascript on Blogger

In this article, I will show you how you can add a click to copy to clipboard with custom alert on blogger.

Steps to Follow:

  1. Go to Blogger Dashboard
  2. Go to Theme/Template Section
  3. Click Edit HTML
  4. Now Search for </body>.

    To search anything in blogger template section press Ctrl+F and then type term to search and press enter.
  5. Now copy the code provided below and paste it after </body>, tag.
    &lt;style&gt;code, pre, mark{-webkit-user-select:all !important;-khtml-user-select:all !important;-moz-user-select:all !important;-ms-user-select:all !important;user-select:all !important}
    jQuery.fn.selectText=function(){this.find(&#039;input&#039;).each(function(){if($(this).prev().length==0||!$(this).prev().hasClass(&#039;p_copy&#039;)){$(&#039;&lt;p class=&quot;p_copy&quot; style=&quot;position: absolute; z-index: -1;&quot;&gt;&lt;/p&gt;&#039;).insertBefore($(this))}
    $(this).prev().html($(this).val())});var doc=document;var element=this[0];console.log(this,element);if(doc.body.createTextRange){var range=document.body.createTextRange();range.moveToElementText(element);;document.execCommand(&#039;copy&#039;)}else if(window.getSelection){var selection=window.getSelection();var range=document.createRange();range.selectNodeContents(element);selection.removeAllRanges();selection.addRange(range);document.execCommand(&#039;copy&#039;)}}
    $(&#039;pre, code, mark&#039;).on(&#039;click&#039;, function(e) {
    var selector = $(this);
    alert(&quot;Your Text is asuccessfully copied to clipboard&quot;);
  6. Save Theme/Template
You can replace or add more elements by changing the selector value in the above code. Selectors are highlighted.
You can also use multiple selectors as I have used in the above code.

How to use:

To add click to copy on your blog post you need to use this code
  1. <mark>Sayem Tutorial</mark>
  2. <pre>Sayem Tutorial</Pre>
  3. <code>Sayem Tutorial</code>
  4. <pre><code>Sayem Tutorial</code></pre>
Note: Add Your content On Sayem Tutorial which you want to copy


    So now you have effectively included this usefulness into your blogger blog you can likewise utilize a similar code in your WordPress site now you can undoubtedly choose and duplicate content to clipboard utilizing jQuery with onclick occasion. 
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    Some Credit Of This Post: SoftWebTuts & SM Design

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