Do you want to add scroll to top and bottom buttons with disqus recent comments. Like mine? I think you want. In this article I will share the source code of this scroll to top and bottom buttons with recent comments system.
I am not going to share my blogger template with you but I will share all the things all the widgets all that stuff which is used to make this template with you and you can make template like this on your own.
In this article you will have to follow some steps to add this scroll to top and bottom buttons with recent comment systems in blogger you can also follow these steps to add this kind of scroll to top and bottom with recent comments in WordPress.
If you want demo of this you can see at the right side of this page because I am also using this kind of scroll to top and bottom buttons with recent comments.
Whoever visits my website the usually ask me to give my template for blogger theme to them but it's not possible I want my site to be unique.
Ok let's take a look on it and now build it. You have to follow the steps which are provided below to make this and add this scroll to top and bottom with recent comments in your blogger blog or WordPress. in this article I will tell you the steps for the blogger you can follow steps for WordPress I don't know how it will be implemented in WordPress because I am not a WordPress user.
I hope you will like this post share it with your friends and have fun!
I am not going to share my blogger template with you but I will share all the things all the widgets all that stuff which is used to make this template with you and you can make template like this on your own.
In this article you will have to follow some steps to add this scroll to top and bottom buttons with recent comment systems in blogger you can also follow these steps to add this kind of scroll to top and bottom with recent comments in WordPress.
If you want demo of this you can see at the right side of this page because I am also using this kind of scroll to top and bottom buttons with recent comments.
Whoever visits my website the usually ask me to give my template for blogger theme to them but it's not possible I want my site to be unique.
Ok let's take a look on it and now build it. You have to follow the steps which are provided below to make this and add this scroll to top and bottom with recent comments in your blogger blog or WordPress. in this article I will tell you the steps for the blogger you can follow steps for WordPress I don't know how it will be implemented in WordPress because I am not a WordPress user.
Steps to follow:
- Go to Blogger Dashboard
- Go to Theme/Template Section
- Click Edit HTML
- Now Search for </head>.
To search anything in blogger template section press Ctrl+F and then type term to search and press enter.
- Now copy the code provided below and paste if before the tag we founded in above step.
- Now search for </body>
- Copy the code provided below and paste it before starting the body tag which we have found in the above step.
- Save Theme/Template
<style type='text/css'>
body{font-family:-apple-system,BlinkMacSystemFont,"Roboto","Segoe UI","Oxygen-Sans","Ubuntu","Cantarell","Helvetica Neue",sans-serif;padding:0 10px}
a {text-decoration:none}
.post_img img{position:relative;width:100%;height:auto;border-radius:16px;overflow:hidden}
/* === Animation === */
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/* === ToTop CSS === */
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#blogToTop li:nth-child(2){animation:slideInRight .5s}
#blogToTop li:nth-child(3){animation:slideInDown .5s}
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.drawer-header img{max-width:100%;height:auto;float:right}
#blogToTop .viewport-show{color:#27A0DC;transition:all .6s}
#blogToTop .viewport-show:hover{color:#27A0DC}
/* === Disqus Comments === */
.viewport-show:hover svg{animation:rubberBand 1s}
#disqus_viewport{background:#fff;position:fixed;z-index:999;width:23.5%;top:0;right:-769px;bottom:0;transition:all .5s}{right:0}{background:rgba(53,58,61,.93);position:fixed;z-index:997;overflow:hidden;width:100%;height:100%;top:0;left:0}
#disqus_viewport .drawer-close{position:fixed;margin-left:-40px;margin-top:16px;color:#fff;transition:all .3s}
#disqus_viewport .drawer-close svg{transform:rotate(180deg);transition:all .3s}
#disqus_viewport .drawer-close:hover svg{transform:rotate(360deg)}
#RecentComments{display:block;width:100%;margin:0 auto;padding:0;height:100%}
#RecentComments ul.dsq-widget-list{background:#f6f7f9;text-align:left;max-height:95%;overflow:auto;overflow-x:hidden}
#RecentComments img.dsq-widget-avatar{margin:0 10px 0 0;width:32px;height:32px;padding:0;float:left;border-radius:3px;clear:both;display:block}
#RecentComments p.dsq-widget-meta{clear:both;font-size:80%;margin-top:5px;font-weight:400}
#RecentComments p.dsq-widget-meta a{display:inline-block;width:48%;overflow:hidden;text-overflow:ellipsis;white-space:nowrap;color:#ced6e0;font-size:12px}
#RecentComments p.dsq-widget-meta a:hover{color:#a4b0be}
#RecentComments li.dsq-widget-item{background:#fff;margin:10px;padding:10px;clear:both;color:#888;border-radius:5px;border-bottom:2px solid rgba(0,0,0,0.08)}
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#RecentComments a.dsq-widget-user:hover{color:#2e87e7}
#RecentComments span.dsq-widget-comment{display:block;clear:both;margin:20px 10px 10px 0}
#RecentComments .dsq-widget-comment p{display:inline-block;font-size:13px;color:#444;margin:0;font-weight:400;line-height:1.5}
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#RecentComments .dsq-widget-item pre code{color:#000;padding:0} #RecentComments li.dsq-widget-item{animation:bounceInLeft 1.5s}
#RecentComments .dsq-widget-comment p a{color:#ced6e0}
#RecentComments .dsq-widget-comment p a:hover{color:#a4b0be}
@media screen and (max-width:1080px){#disqus_viewport{width:35%}}
@media screen and (max-width:640px){#disqus_viewport{width:100%}#disqus_viewport .drawer-close{background:#535c68;font-size:35px;font-weight:700;color:#fff;display:block;text-align:left;margin:0;padding:0 15px;position:relative}}
<script type='text/javascript'>
// Blogger blogToTop
jQuery(document).ready(function(){var o=220,r=600;jQuery(window).scroll(function(){jQuery(this).scrollTop() > o?jQuery("#blogToTop").fadeIn(r):jQuery("#blogToTop").fadeOut(r)})});
$(function(){$("a[href*=#]:not([href=#])").click(function(){if(location.pathname.replace(/^\//,"")==this.pathname.replace(/^\//,"")&&location.hostname==this.hostname){var t=$(this.hash);if(t=t.length?t:$("[name="+this.hash.slice(1)+"]"),t.length)return $("html,body").animate({scrollTop:t.offset().top},600),!1}})});
// Disqus Comments
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<ul id='blogToTop'>
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<li><a class='viewport-show ripple_animate' href='javascript:;' title='Disqus Yorumları Aç'><svg width="16" height="16" fill="#27a0dc" viewBox="0 0 1792 1792"><path d="M912 1696q0-16-16-16-59 0-101.5-42.5t-42.5-101.5q0-16-16-16t-16 16q0 73 51.5 124.5t124.5 51.5q16 0 16-16zm816-288q0 52-38 90t-90 38h-448q0 106-75 181t-181 75-181-75-75-181h-448q-52 0-90-38t-38-90q50-42 91-88t85-119.5 74.5-158.5 50-206 19.5-260q0-152 117-282.5t307-158.5q-8-19-8-39 0-40 28-68t68-28 68 28 28 68q0 20-8 39 190 28 307 158.5t117 282.5q0 139 19.5 260t50 206 74.5 158.5 85 119.5 91 88z"/></svg></a>
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Changing in the above code:
There are some things that you have to replace in the above code you can see the table below replacement word and the description of that is provided.
Replacement | Description |
sayem-tutorial-2 | Replace it with your short name to show up recent posts. |
I hope you will like this post share it with your friends and have fun!
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